You’re touching products we make everyday

From the moment you wake up to time you go to bed at night, you’re touching products we make. From non-stick food cooking solutions and kitchenware, to bearings and tolerance rings in your home appliances and bicycles. Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics significantly contributes to products used in households all over the world.

Small Engine

Flexible, Fuel Tubing

There is a lot of equipment to choose from when landscaping for commercial or residential property.  In gasoline powered lawn and Garden tools, it’s easy to overlook the small, yet critical hose that transfers fuel from the storage tank to the engine to power the equipment.  Like an artery to a heart.

Saint-Gobain is a market leader in this industry and provides fuel transfer hose technology that is compliant with both EPA and CARB evaporation standards to minimize carbon emission and protect our environment.
